Optics, decorative and utility glass
Glass industry is the family silver of the Liberec region in the best sense of the word with a great worldwide reputation. The traditional glass-making regions include mainly Nový Bor and Jablonec districts and, in a broader context, the whole area of the border mountains. People in the region carry unique knowledge of glass production ranging from the mining and processing of the basic raw material to the machining of final products. Knowledge of glass processing is also used in other areas, especially in working with semi-precious stones or synthetic single crystals.
The tradition of glassmaking in the region of the Lusatian and Jizera Mountains has historically been aided by favourable conditions. The key feature was enough wood for glass furnaces, above all. In modern times, the inhabitants of the mountains began to focus more on glass refining and trade than on raw material production. Famous trading companies were born, operating in various forms to this day. Let us mention, for example, Preciosa and Crystalex, both created by the post-war merger of local glassworks or the famous (sic) Moser in Karlovy Vary, closely cooperating with glass artists and craftsmen from Nový Bor district. Among others, the design glass company Lasvit is gaining a huge reputation in the world.
The close connection between glassmaking and design plays an important role in the industry. There are manufacturers of designer glass jewellery, lighting fixtures and their components in the region. The glassmaking industry further combines knowledge of glass, optics and optoelectronics. The production and use of technical glass are on the rise. The knowledge is also applied in the field of jewellery, such as grinding semi-precious stones. The sector consists of both significant research capacities, well-represented small, medium and large companies, and traditional glassmaking high schools. Glass also has its place in the field of design at the Technical University of Liberec at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Glass Machinery and at the Faculty of Textiles.
In the last decade, Liberec Region has been looking for opportunities to connect glassmaking and tourism. The Crystal Valley regional brand has been established. It presents our family silver, the tradition and the present of glassmaking craft to the general public in the region and throughout the Czech Republic.
Thanks to this craft, we can boast one unusual statistical primacy. Liberec Region has the highest density of glassmakers per capita in the world. The production of handmade Christmas decorations from glass blown beads, which can be found in Poniklá, a village at the foot of the Giant Mountains, has recently been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. You would find many glassmaking bests in the region. You just need to keep your eyes wide open.
Unbeatable knowledge in Liberec Region
Melting of glass and drawing of bars and rods
Cutting technology
Polishing technology
Design and manufacture of precision mechanics
Production of crystal optics
Design of complex optical systems
Pressing of precise optics
Design and application of thin layers
Surface decors for glass and beads (glass finishing)
Automatic production of utility glass
Staining of glass
Production of glass jewellery components

Regional database of organizations and companies operating in the industry
Střední škola řemesel a služeb p.o., Jablonec nad Nisou
Střední uměleckoprůmyslová škola a VOŠ p.o., Jablonec nad Nisou
Střední uměleckoprůmyslová škola a VOŠ p.o., Turnov
Střední uměleckoprůmyslová škola sklářská p.o., Kamenický Šenov
Střední uměleckoprůmyslová škola sklářská p.o., Železný Brod
Technická univerzita v Liberci
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