Research institutes
We support the transfer of science and research knowledge to companies and educational organizations.
We connect companies with research and development
Smart Akcelerator
The Smart Akcelerator II Libereckého kraje (SALK) project team establishes an environment for optimal cooperation between the public sector, companies, schools, universities, research and non-profit organizations. It seeks grant titles applicable in the areas of development of projects related to science, research and innovation in Liberec Region and the development of cooperation between individual entities of the innovation ecosystem.
We initiate the establishment of professional platforms and organize conferences
SALK's activities also include the initiation of the establishment of professional platforms, the sparking of professional discussion and the support of all activities aimed at realizing the outputs of these platforms. At least once a year we organize a RIS3 forum, a professional conference on a selected current topic.
We support the association of organizations and companies into clusters
National Cluster Association
The National Cluster Association (NCA) is a non-governmental non-profit organization that brings together entities and individuals with the goal of coordinated and sustainable development of cluster initiatives and cluster policy development in the Czech Republic based on the concentration of knowledge, experience and expertise to strengthen the competitiveness if the Czech Republic. The NCA defends the needs of cluster organizations and technology platforms and develops cluster policy in the Czech Republic.