Metal, composite and plastic materials
Metal, composite and plastic materials

Metal, composite and plastic materials

Companies processing metals, composites and plastics are among the major employers in the Liberec Region. Expenditure on research and development confirms that this sector is one of the most innovative industries in the region. The trend towards considering the impact of industrial activities on the environment is gratifying. New approaches and research in the field of renewable materials are important in terms of maintaining the quality of life in the region and its protection and sustainability.

In the region, we find a wide range of knowledge and technologies associated with the development, production and processing of metallic and non-metallic materials. The focus of knowledge lies in the systematic development of the composition of materials in order to improve their properties and subsequent their application in various fields. Industry experts follow the regional tradition of precision casting in many respects.

The subjects rely on an interdisciplinary approach. It is a mix of knowledge of chemistry, physics of material engineering and other natural sciences. For example, zoology, biology and the emerging fields of bionics and biomimetics. Research topics and applications in the field of biopolymers and biocomposites are developed, especially in the design of material composition, evaluation of ageing and subsequent biodegradation.

Entities in the region benefit from close cooperation with a number of fields in order to find solutions to technical challenges using new materials or, conversely, to find suitable applications for new materials.

Unbeatable knowledge in Liberec Region

Entities engaged in the processing of metals, composites and plastics in the region use knowledge from many fields of human activity. Therefore, it is not possible to clearly define specific knowledge that is crucial for Liberec Region and unique from the outside view. It always depends on the subject and the project. An important feature of the industry is the cooperation of companies and research institutes. This creates additional highly specialized knowledge.


V čele nového Národního centra pro průmyslový 3D tisk stojí Technická univerzita v Liberci
V čele nového Národního centra pro průmyslový 3D tisk stojí Technická univerzita v Liberci
Na Technické univerzitě v Liberci vznikne Národní centrum kompetence pro průmyslový 3D tisk polymerních materiálů. Zkoumat bude způsoby, jak výrobní postupy učinit efektivnější a tudíž ekologičtější. Konkrétně se výzkumníci zaměří na efektivní využití surovin a jejich recyklaci, využití odpadních přírodních a syntetických materiálů, zvýšení přínosu aditivních technologií pro průmyslovou výrobu a z toho vyplývající snížení její energetické náročnosti.

Regional database of organizations and companies operating in the industry