One part of the NanoCzech Liberec 2023 conference is NanoCzech Expo in the foyer of the auditorium and in adjacent classrooms. We are planning on almost three dozen exhibitors for you, there to present products resulting from nanotechnological research and development.
NanoCzech Expo - Companies
➡️ Advanced Materials JTJ – development and production in the field of photocatalytic applications, the production of nanoTiO2, nanomaterial powders for plasma spraying, a new lithium battery design idea.
➡️ AlgaClean – the development and production of photoactive coatings, protecting roofs, facades, and other structural elements from algae and mould.
➡️ Contipro – pharmacy and cosmetics, a world leader in the production of and research into hyaluronic acid; its own 4SPIN device for the production of nanofibres.
➡️ eNecont – the development and production of sensors designed to measure air quality.
➡️ Elmarco – the development and production of equipment intended for the production of nanofibre materials on an industrial scale. The Nanospider device, designed for the production of nanofibres from a wide range of polymers.
➡️ FN NANO/Advanced Materials – technology for air purification using photocatalysis, high levels of hygiene in an environment, reduction of the risk of transmission of infections, increase in the level of safety of using disinfectants.
➡️ H2O nanotec – the development and production of H2O nanotec filters with patented Czech technology that can remove viruses and bacteria, chlorine, pesticides, analgesics, antibiotics, drugs, heavy metals, and microplastics from water. The IMRITA product line to ensure clean drinking water.
➡️ IQ Structures – holographic technology for the protection of polycarbonate ID cards, passports, and banknotes, nano- and micro-structured optics for interior, exterior, and automotive LED lights and special sensors.
➡️ JIMIPLET – the development, production, and printing of knitted fabrics and technical textiles. Knitted fabrics with bamboo, organic cotton, knitted fabrics containing Egyptian Mako cotton, antibacterial nanoAg® knitted fabrics, or classic and functional knitted fabrics.
➡️ Lada Vyvialova Creative Platform – linking nanotechnologies, clothing production, design, and ecology. Extremely functional, antibacterial, and innovative materials that are non-detrimental to health.
➡️ Lifetech – the development and production of ultraviolet low-pressure and medium-pressure systems, ozone generators and AOP devices that deal with water and air purification.
➡️ Nafigate Park – the development and production of nanofibre layers and multilayer nanofibre laminates optimised for filtration applications.
➡️ NANO4PEOPLE – the development, optimisation, and implementation of specific applications of multifunctional photocatalytic coatings that, with the help of nanotechnology and light, eliminate viruses, bacteria, spores, mould, and odours and purify the air.
➡️ Nanomedical – a leader in the field of research and development in the industrial use of advanced nanotechnologies in the world of textiles. Innovative solutions for filtration, medical devices, cosmetics, and means of protecting the respiratory system.
➡️ Nanopharma – technology company, research and development in nanofibre structures for clinical and technical applications.
➡️ Nanoprogress – a cluster that provides its member base with comprehensive support in research and development. As far as projects are concerned, it selects the relevant RFP, facilitates the creation of project consortia, prepares and manages innovative plans, and offers consultation on financial and legislative matters. It supports internationalisation, provides marketing and PR services, and takes care of educational activities.
➡️ nanoSPACE – a world leader in the field of anti-mite coatings, blankets, and pillows with a nanofibre membrane. Products made of nano-cotton, functional and high-quality cotton satin.
➡️ nanoSPACE Technology – a subsidiary of nanoSPACE that develops the biodegradable materials in demand in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, textile, energy, and food industries.
➡️ Nanotech dynamics - a dynamic startup focused on the development and commercialization of innovative products derived from nanomaterials and nanotechnology research.
➡️ NanoTrade – own applied research into new materials, technologies, processes, and products in the field of packaging materials, functional textile clothing, products for surface protection, additives for liquid and solid fuels, artificial surfaces for skiing, products to heal wounds, and other special technologies.
➡️ RETAP – a unique air purification system that uses nanophotocatalysis. Nanoaircleaner air purifiers.
➡️ Spur – research and development in the field of filtration of ultrafine parts in gases and liquids. Produces its own nanofibre membranes under the SPURTEX brand.
➡️ TESCAN – the development of innovative electron microscopes, microtomographs, and related software solutions. Quality research and analysis in nano-resolution.
➡️ VÚTS - a traditional research institute specialising in research, development and production of machinery and equipment for the manufacturing industry. Complete solutions from research and development to implementation.