Smarter region for Liberec Region

Smarter region for Liberec Region

Smart technologies in public space for higher quality of living

Faster passage through transport hubs or better transport accessibility of the peripheral parts of the region. Smart public buildings that offer better water and energy management, thus saving not only the environment but also the taxpayer's pocket. A distant future? Not necessarily.

The Regional Development Agency has prepared a concept on the use of smart technologies in public space for Liberec Region, including an implementation document for the near future - the Action Plan. It was awarded the prestigious Smart Cities award in 2020.

Our goals

  • to shorten the time for commuting to work and school

  • to shorten the time for the availability of medical services

  • to shorten the time for the availability of social welfare services

  • to reduce the time required for administrative processes

  • to speed up the communication between users and authorities

  • to save energy and water

  • to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

  • to increase the number of public transport trips

  • to improve the availability of public services and open data

  • to increase the quality of health services

  • to introduce modern forms in teaching

  • to improve the environment for the implementation of new ideas in the field of smart technologies

  • to improve the sharing of information in the field of tourism

Action plan

The Action Plan serves as a tool for implementing intentions for fulfilling the concept of the Liberec Region. The action plan is pliki for the following three years 2024 to 2026, Pie's realization and fulfillment can be up to, until the time they are connected byhohohohohohohohohohohoho. Akčki Plan 2024 - 2026 emphasizes the actuals of the regional ÚR.

Action plan

The Action Plan is a document of the Smarter Region concept identifying areas in which concrete visible results can be achieved in the years 2020–2022. To fulfil the above goals of the concept. To set off in innovative directions and thus contribute to the greater attractiveness of the region. To help reverse the trend of young and talented people leaving and attract new companies to the region.

Our references